A slice of cake
Last week as the FCAIC I:
- Attended part of the APAC virtual FAD for Ambassador Planning. The call started at 2am my time, and I was regretably an hour late. I made it until 7am :). I think the call was great! There are some concerns and ideas were discussed around them. Hopefully we will see more action in APAC in the coming year. It also looks like we are going to try to shift some of the swag planning to unblock people’s time.
- While not directly part of my role as FCAIC, AsciiBinder which we use for our docs tool had its first maintainers meeting. More cool stuff is happening and Fedora is part of it.
- This week was mostly filled with meeting and last minute administrivia as I have 2 weeks of conferences, FAD, and annual meetings coming up.
À la mode
- I won at Settlers of Catan for the first time ever. Unfortunately it was during the time I was supposed to be on the APAC vFAD irc and I forgot about it until I got home :(.
- It’s visa renewal time - fun for all!
Cake Around the World
I’ll be traveling some and hope you’ll ping me for coffee if you’re nearby.
- DevConf.cz, Brno, Czech Republic - 27-28 January
- Fedora CommOps FAD, Brno, Czech Republic - 29 January - 1 February
- Grimoire/CHAOSS Con, Brussels, Belgium - 2 February
- FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium - 3-4 February
PS: I had to jinx it by saying how great it was to post these on Friday …