A slice of cake
Last week as the FCAIC I:
- Handed off the driving work behind the migration of Fedora Docs to Antora to Adam Samalik. I am super excited to be helping on this project and no longer trying to lead it (and becoming a blocker/cookie licker). He has a plan in place to be live by 1 August, 2018 which is way sooner than I could have gotten there. This is gonna be awesome. If you’re a docs contributor or a provider of docs published on the docs site, look for his email coming soon. I plan to continue to help drive the localization effort until it is at a place where I can hand that off too.
- Lots of Flock things got done:
- Flock’s draft schedule has been created and with the CfP committee for review. I hope to publish it next week.
- Flock funded travel is complete. I realized I haven’t gotten my own transportation to Dresden squared away yet though … doh!
- Flock’s bill payments are already in full swing. I’ve learned a lot about VAT and we are only getting started.
- In other docs news, I am in the process of transferring what is left of my content driving docs responsibilities as well. Petr Bokoc and I need to have another conversation to complete the hand off. I have definitely not been able to put the time in on this like I would like, so I am super happy to have Petr stepping up.
À la mode
- I cleaned up my personal to-do list and bookmarks. It was a bit like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic but I hope will have some lasting impact.
Cake Around the World
I’ll be traveling some and hope you’ll ping me for coffee if you’re nearby. If your considering attending and want to collaborate on a talk, let’s … talk :).
- Flock from 8-11 August in Dresden, Germany
- DevConf.us from 17-19 August in Boston, MA, USA
- Open Source Summit Europe (OSS Europe) from 22-24 October in Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Note: My attendance at a few of the events is still tentative, but I expect most will happen.