Nulecule: Packaging, Distributing & Deploying Container Applications the Cloud Way
Presented at Config Management Camp EU 2016 on 2 Feb 2016
This repo contains the slides slides and files used for the talk and demo I presented about Nulecule.
I am very grateful to my colleagues, Tomas Kral and Michael Scherer, for their assistance with the demos and talk. I also want to thank Vaclav Pavlin for having faith in me to present when he couldn’t.
Talk Description
Currently there is no standard mechanism for creating, distributing and deploying applications on containers. Applications that need orchestration for multiple containers and hosts require hand-crafted customization that is difficult to replicate and manage, not to mention time-consuming. Nulecule is a specification for defining the packaged contents, including metadata, dependencies and orchestration providers, of container-based applications. Atomic App is the reference implementation of Nulecule that provides an easy method for packaging, distributing and running applications. This talk was original scheduled to be delivered by Vaclav Pavlin.
Slides and Source Files
Speaker Bio
Brian Exelbierd (@bexelbie) is a Red Hatter with experience in many different IS/IT areas, including time in large and small enterprises, US state government, non-profits and for-profits. Brian joined Red Hat in 2014 to work on platform technologies and containers. An active member of Project Atomic, Brian has worked closely on the design and implementation of the Atomic Developer Bundle and has also worked with documentation and related tasks. Brian lives in Brno, Czech Republic and is happy to show visitors good adopted-country beer.