For several years I have worked with various efforts at Fosdem. I keep all of my materials related to CFP submissions and devrooms here.
- FOSDEM Distribution Dev Room @ FOSDEM 2019 - A propsal with Brian Stinson from CentOS for FOSDEM 2019 modelled very heavily on the previous year’s submission. Additional useful information is in the 2019 directory.
- FOSDEM Distribution Dev Room @ FOSDEM 2018 - A successful propsal with Brian Stinson from CentOS for FOSDEM 2018 modelled very heavily on the previous year’s submission. Additional useful information is in the 2018 directory.
- FOSDEM Distribution Dev Room @ FOSDEM 2017 - A successful propsal with Brian Stinson from CentOS for FOSDEM 2017 modelled very heavily on the previous year’s submission. Additional useful information is in the 2017 directory.
- FOSDEM Project Atomic Table @ FOSDEM 2016 - An unsuccessful project table proposal for FOSDEM 2016.