A slice of cake
Last week as the FCAIC I:
- I had a very cool meeting with a group of linguists who work with Red Hat technical support. While some of them are studying to become support engineers, they are all focused on ensuring that Red Hat customers can talk to support in their preferred (supported) language. I met with them because they are interested in contributing to Fedora to help our Localization teams. I am excited and hope that they will join our community and support our folks in keeping things available in our users’ preferred language.
- I got interviewed about Community Metrics by a PhD student doing research and reporting to the CHAOSS project. I am expecting a transcript of my interview to be sent to me so I can turn it into a blog post.
- Attended a mid-year budget roundtable with my fellow Community Managers at Red Hat. This was a good opportunity for us to compare notes and processes and discuss ideas for ensuring our budgets are well managed and that we are using the funds wisely. This is also a chance for me to report through Red Hat systems how Fedora is doing. We are doing well right now as we are about half-way through the year “March->February” and have spent about half the money. I know that Flock is going to take a bit more in the next quarter as the expenses finally land. I am a bit concerned that I haven’t heard about any focus efforts for the rest of the year. It’d be great to see the Ambassadors pushing on Mindshare by filing tickets about the events we need to be doing. Let’s get this ball rolling …
- I had a meeting with Rich Bowen, my counterpart in the CentOS community. They have some upcoming events that look like they may have a Fedora angle. I’ll post more when more is known.
- Flock planning continues to go well. We are mostly down to mechanical things like paying deposits and getting the printing done. The schedule is live and it looks great!
- I spent most of Saturday and part of Sunday this past weekend helping Adam Šamalík finish the PRs and migration for the new docs site built with Antora. It is live in stage right now and has no more than the expected errors from build warnings and 404s. Tickets are opened on these as they are non-blocking.1 It looks like we will go live this week!
À la mode
- I got to attend an instructionally oriented coffee cupping organized by Red Hat. It was awesome to be able to ask pointed and detailed questions about coffee while tasting three different beans. The barista was very knowledgeable and willing to be direct. I learned, for example, that my preferred home coffee making method, French Press, is one of the easier ones to get right and produce a quality cup of coffee with.
- The same night as the coffee cupping I also got to run off to a local bar and taste some of the amazing sours by my favorite sour beer producer in the Czech Republic, Wild Creatures. If you like sour (and I mean sour!) beer, I strongly encourage you to find a bottle.
- I spent some of my free time (hahahah!) two weekends ago converting this blog to a new theme. I am working on a series of articles about backups/data management and my old theme was making it hard to publish them. The theme, Minimal Mistakes is a proper gem-based Jekyll theme that allows me to cleanly separate content from theming. I hope you like it. Feedback wanted and welcome.
Cake Around the World
I’ll be traveling some and hope you’ll ping me for coffee if you’re nearby. If you’re considering attending and want to collaborate on a talk, let’s … talk :).
- Flock from 8-11 August in Dresden, Germany
- DevConf.us from 17-19 August in Boston, MA, USA
- Open Source Summit Europe (OSS Europe) from 22-24 October in Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Freenode Live! from 3-4 November in Bristol, United Kingdom – this one is tentative, any feedback?
Note: My attendance at a few of the events is still tentative, but I expect most will happen.
Edited to fix typos and grammar errors. Thank you Leslie Hawthorn
These tickets are all easyfix bugs - you should try one! ↩